Installing Radarr, Sonarr and Deluge on your Unraid Server (2024)

In my first Unraid article, I went through my experience installing and configuring Unraid. Overall the setup was very easy and took me one afternoon to complete.

I wanted my Unraid/NAS setup to house all my media content. I didn't want management of this content to be manual, so I looked for automated media-management software solutions compatible with Unraid. These applications needed to automate the discovery, downloading and moving/renaming my media content. The first application I stumbled across which did this is Couch Potato.

After reading good things about Couch Potato, I decided to give it a go. After downloading the Docker image, I attempted to set it up. The initial configuration was fine, but I was simply not able to get it connecting to Deluge (my favourite torrent client). After spending hours trying fix the issue and trying to find other people who ran into the same issue, I gave up and looked for an alternative.

My search for an alternative lead me to Sonarr. Sonarr met my requirements perfectly! Sonarr is easy to configure, worked perfectly with Deluge (my choice of BitTorrent client) and had an amazing user interface.

I also discovered Radarr - a fork of Sonarr with near identical setup which helps download media content that Sonarr doesn't support.

To help Sonarr and Radarr search through indexers for torrents, I installed Jackett. Jackett allows you to aggregate a number of torrent indexers into a single source and integrates well with Sonarr/Radarr.

Update 03/06/2020: I've since switch from torrents to Usenets for my downloading needs, read more about this:

  • Switching from Torrents to Usenet - the Why and How
  • Automating your Usenet Download Setup on Unraid

I'm going to step through installing and configuring the following applications which will allow you to automate the discovery, downloading, moving and organisation of your media content! This requires:

  1. Deluge
  2. Jackett
  3. Sonarr
  4. Radarr


Before starting, make sure you have the Community Applications Plugin installed on Unraid before proceeding. To do this, navigate to the Plugins tab in Unraid, then click Install Plugin and paste the following URL in:

The plugin should then appear in the list:

Installing Radarr, Sonarr and Deluge on your Unraid Server (1)


Deluge is a popular open source BitTorrent client. It works well with Sonarr and Radarr. I've had good experiences using Deluge before and felt right to keep using it. We will be using Deluge to download all our media, feel free to use alternatives like qBittorrent or uTorrent.

First, let's create an Unraid share that will act as the destination for all your downloads:

Installing Radarr, Sonarr and Deluge on your Unraid Server (2)

I recommend calling it Downloads. Make sure that this share is public and not private. This is because of permission requirements from Sonarr and Radarr.

Next, navigate to the Community Applications plugin and search for Deluge by linuxserver and click install.

Installing Radarr, Sonarr and Deluge on your Unraid Server (3)

For the settings, the only field you need to change is the Downloads volume mapping. Input the newly created Downloads share you created.

Installing Radarr, Sonarr and Deluge on your Unraid Server (4)

Now go into the newly created Deluge container. You'll be prompted for a username and password. Enter:

  • Username: admin
  • Password: deluge

Connect to the default daemon and then click the Preferences button at the top. We will tell Deluge to put all downloads in progress in the Incomplete folder and all the finished downloads in the Complete folder.

Installing Radarr, Sonarr and Deluge on your Unraid Server (5)

That's it! Deluge should be correctly configured. To test it out, go to your favourite torrent indexer site and copy the magnet URL into a new torrent by clicking the + button in the top left. It should add the torrent and start downloading.


Before we setup Sonarr and Radarr, we'll need to configure a service that will allow Sonarr/Radarr to grab torrent files from indexers. Jackett makes it very easy to allow Sonarr/Radarr find quality torrents from a number of popular torrent indexer sites (as of writing this article 259 are available).

Jackett works as a proxy server: it translates queries from apps (Sonarr, Radarr, SickRage, CouchPotato, Mylar, etc) into tracker-site-specific HTTP queries, parses the html response, then sends results back to the requesting software. This allows for getting recent uploads (like RSS) and performing searches. Jackett is a single repository of maintained indexer scraping & translation logic - removing the burden from other apps.

Search for Jackett using the Community Applications plugin. Again, we'll use linuxserver's image.

Installing Radarr, Sonarr and Deluge on your Unraid Server (6)

Set the /downloads volume mapping to the Downloads share we created. Once the image has been installed, open it up in your browser.

Click the Add Indexer button at the top of the page. You'll be presented with a popup with a bunch of torrents:

Installing Radarr, Sonarr and Deluge on your Unraid Server (7)

Click the + button for each indexer you like. I went with 4 torrent indexers. These are ones I'm familiar with and comfortable using. I suggest doing your own research to find indexers that you find will provide high quality torrents. You'll need to add them one by one. Make sure they all work by clicking the Test button on the right.

Installing Radarr, Sonarr and Deluge on your Unraid Server (8)

That's all the configuration we'll need from Jackett for now. We won't set up a proxy, although I might cover that in another article.


Sonarr is open-source software which automates the downloading and organisation of your media content. It keeps track of everything it has and hasn't downloaded. You can specify what content you're interested in and Sonarr will download content as soon as it's available in your desired quality. Sonarr's Docker image works perfectly on Unraid.

First, we need to create another Unraid share. Let's call it Media. Under this new share, create a folder for your Sonarr media. For this article, I'll be calling it SonarrContent.

Using Community Applications search for Sonarr and download the linuxserver image.

Installing Radarr, Sonarr and Deluge on your Unraid Server (9)

You'll need to specify two volume mappings, one for downloads and one for the location of your Sonarr media:

Installing Radarr, Sonarr and Deluge on your Unraid Server (10)

Host Path 3: should point to the folder where you want Sonarr to copy the completed content to. This should be the SonarrContent folder we created in our Media Unraid share.

Host Path 4: should point to the folder where Deluge outputs the downloaded content. This should be the Unraid share we created in the Deluge setup called Downloads.

Once the Docker image has been installed, open up Sonarr in your browser. Navigate Settings (the gear icon at the top of the screen) and then click the Download Client tab.

Download Client

Click the + button and fill the popup with the following:

  • Host: The IP address of your server, for example:
  • Port: 8112
  • Password: deluge (unless you've changed it on Deluge)
  • Category: sonarr (or however you want to identify downloads triggered by sonarr)

Click the Test button and you should get a message saying Testing 'Deluge' Successful in the bottom right of your screen.


Now we need to setup indexers for Sonarr. We will be using our Jackett proxy server that we just set up. Open up Jackett in another tab. In Sonarr, navigate to the Indexers tab under Settings. Click the + button and choose the Torznab option (we'll need to repeat the following for each indexer we selected):

Installing Radarr, Sonarr and Deluge on your Unraid Server (11)

Fill out the popup with the following:

  • URL: In Jackett - click the button for Copy Torznab Feed. Paste the result in this field.
Installing Radarr, Sonarr and Deluge on your Unraid Server (12)
  • API Key: In Jackett - look for the API Key which is located in the top right of the application. Copy and paste it in this field.
Installing Radarr, Sonarr and Deluge on your Unraid Server (13)

Click the Test button and it should succeed:

Installing Radarr, Sonarr and Deluge on your Unraid Server (14)

Repeat for every indexer you added in Jackett and you should end up with something like this:

Installing Radarr, Sonarr and Deluge on your Unraid Server (15)


Other tutorials I have read skipped this part. I find this quite important to my setup as I wish to have ability to manually all the media downloaded by Sonarr. If we don't change the default settings, we won't be able to modify any of these media files (renaming, deleting or moving). If you're okay with that, then skip this step.

Navigate to Media Management under Settings and then scroll to the bottom to the Permissions section. Update this section to the following.

Installing Radarr, Sonarr and Deluge on your Unraid Server (16)

Read more about Unix permissions here.

Of course, instead of harvey you would use the user that you use to access your media. Now, we have all permissions to modify all the media downloaded by Sonarr.

Feel free to configure any other settings to personalise Sonarr. For example, you might want to change how your files are named (Media Management) or the quality of your downloads (Quality).

Using Sonarr

To test Sonarr was configured correctly, add a new title by navigating to your content library and clicking Add:

Installing Radarr, Sonarr and Deluge on your Unraid Server (17)

Search for any media titles and click the green magnifying glass button. Sonarr will then search the indexers for a torrent of the content that matches your preferred quality and send it to Deluge to be downloaded:

Installing Radarr, Sonarr and Deluge on your Unraid Server (18)
Installing Radarr, Sonarr and Deluge on your Unraid Server (19)

Once the media has finished downloading, Sonarr will automatically detect this. It'll then rename and move the file to the SonarrContent share. You can then see an overview of what content has been downloaded and what's missing:

Installing Radarr, Sonarr and Deluge on your Unraid Server (20)

Sonarr will be able to detect which particular files you have and which you are missing. It also makes it easy to download these missing files by only requiring you to go into the title and searching for individual titles (1), or all searching for all at once (2):

Installing Radarr, Sonarr and Deluge on your Unraid Server (21)


Radarr is another open source software solution that I recommend installing. Radarr is a fork of Sonarr for media content that Radarr doesn't support. Similarly to Sonarr automates the downloading and organisation of this content. Radarr will download requested content as soon as it's available in your desired quality.

Setting up Radarr is identical to Sonarr. Use the Community Applications, search for Radarr and download the linuxserver image.

Installing Radarr, Sonarr and Deluge on your Unraid Server (22)

The setup for Radarr is identical to Sonarr, so repeat everything we did in the Sonarr section. To re-iterate, you'll need to:

  1. Create a new folder in the Media share - RadarrContent
  2. Configure a download client - Deluge
  3. Configure Indexers - Jackett
  4. Setup permissions.

Using Radarr is very similar to Sonarr. You are able to search and choose content for which you want Radarr to handle the downloading, moving and renaming for.

If you're like me and have a bunch of content that you downloaded from before switching over to Radarr/Sonarr, you'll probably want to move that content to be tracked and managed by Radarr/Sonarr. Fortunately for us, it's easy to do so!


First, review the settings under Settings -> Media Management:

Installing Radarr, Sonarr and Deluge on your Unraid Server (23)

Next, make sure that you've added the media title to be tracked by Sonarr.

Now, let's say you have your existing content structured like:

/MediaContent /MediaTitle /01 /MediaTitle-BlahBlah-01XXXX.mp4 /MediaTitle-BlahBlah-02XXXX.mp4 /02 /MediaTitle-BlahBlah-01XXXX.mp4 /MediaTitle-BlahBlah-02XXXX.mp4 

You would need to copy the /MediaTitle folder over to your SonarrContent folder. You would also need to make sure the folders and filenames are similar to the settings outlined in MediaManagement. If we use the settings in the screenshots, it should be:

/MediaContent /MediaTitle /S01 /MediaTitle-S01E01.mp4 /MediaTitle-S01E02.mp4 /S22 /MediaTitle-S01E01.mp4 /MediaTitle-S01E02.mp4 

Once the folders and files are copied over, in Sonarr, navigate to your media title and click the Recycle icon:

Installing Radarr, Sonarr and Deluge on your Unraid Server (24)

Sonarr will then proceed to scan your hard drive and perform fuzzy matching on the filenames of media folders/files in SonarrContent. For all matching files (that don't already exist), Sonarr will add it into it's management system. You should then see it start to populate the catalogue:

Installing Radarr, Sonarr and Deluge on your Unraid Server (25)

If it fails to recognise some files, double check the folder structure and filenames of your existing files.

Note: Instead of doing this one by one, you can also click the Update Library button to have Sonarr update all the titles it's tracking:

Installing Radarr, Sonarr and Deluge on your Unraid Server (26)


The process for Radarr is mostly the same, expect the folder structure is different. Radarr expects each media file to have the following structure: Content Title (Year)/Content Title(Year).mp4.

So if you had:

/MediaContent RandomMediaTitle (2012).mp4 OtherMediaTitle (2010).mp4

You would need to change it to:

/MediaContent /RandomMediaTitle (2012) RandomMediaTitle (2012).mp4 /OtherMediaTitle (2010) OtherMediaTitle (2010).mp4

Once that's done, copy the files over to your RadarrContent folder and follow the same steps outlined in Sonarr to have it track your existing content!

We've quickly and easily setup our media automation server on Unraid! You should be able add your favourite media content to your wish list and Radarr/Sonarr will automatically download them in your desired quality, move and rename them for you.


  • Unraid
  • radarr
  • sonarr
  • Network Attached Storage (NAS)
Installing Radarr, Sonarr and Deluge on your Unraid Server (2024)


How do I set up Sonarr with deluge? ›

Deluge. To link Sonarr with Deluge, you'll need first to check Deluge's settings and then configure Sonarr to connect to it. In Deluge, go to “Edit” > “Preferences” > “Plugins.” Ensure that the WebUi plugin is enabled. Once WebUi is enabled, go ahead and find “WebUi” in the left pane of the Preferences menu.

What is the difference between Sonarr and Radarr? ›

Radarr — Radarr is Free and Open Source software which is used to automatically download movies via Usenet and BitTorrent. Sonarr —Sonarr is Free and Open Source software which is used to automatically download TV Shows via Usenet and BitTorrent.

What is a PVR Sonarr? ›

Sonarr is a PVR for Usenet and BitTorrent users. It can monitor multiple RSS feeds for new episodes of your favorite shows and will grab, sort and rename them.It can also be configured to automatically upgrade the quality of files already downloaded when a better quality format becomes available.

Do I need VPN for Sonarr and Radarr? ›

# Note that Sonarr and Radarr don't necessarily need the VPN if you're using Prowlarr for the indexers. # But Prowlarr should be behind the VPN to avoid ISPs that block indexers.

How do I link deluge to Radarr? ›

Open Radarr, going to http://localhost:7878 or (127.0. 0.1:7878). In Radarr, go to “Settings” > “Download Clients” > and click on the “+” symbol. From the “Add download client” menu, scroll down to “ Torrents” and find “Deluge”.

How do I remotely turn on Unraid server? ›

Navigate to Settings -> Management Access and set "Use UPnP" to Yes. On the Unraid Connect settings page, set the remote access option to UPNP (either Dynamic or Always On) and Apply.

What can I do with my Unraid server? ›

Use Cases
  • Data Backup. From PCs to Macs, local and remote, learn how to back up your important data to your Unraid server here. ...
  • Game Server Hosting. ...
  • Minecraft. ...
  • Self-hosted Password Manager. ...
  • Self-hosted Documentation. ...
  • The Ultimate Music Player: Volumio. ...
  • Host Your Own Community. ...
  • Optimize Your Media with Tdarr.

What group should Radarr run as? ›

Radarr will run under the user radarr and group media ; media is the commonly suggested group to run the *Arrs, download clients, and media server under. Warning: Ignoring the below prerequisites will result in a failed installation and non-functional application.

Do movies need to be in folders for Radarr? ›

Movie File and Folder Naming

Currently, Radarr requires that each movie be in a folder with the format containing at minimum Movie Title (Year)/ , optionally _ or . are valid separators.

How many API calls does Sonarr make? ›

If Sonarr has an RSS sync interval of 15 minutes, you're using 96 API calls for RSS ( 24 * 60 / 15 = 96 ). A search is going to use between 1 and 10 API calls, depending on the number of results returned Sonarr will fetch 100 results on each call and fetch up to 1000 results total.

What TV database does Sonarr use? ›

Sonarr uses TVDB as a data source for its episode information and sometimes scene and other release groups will use a different naming or numbering scheme.

Why should I use Sonarr? ›

Sonarr (formerly NZBdrone) is a PVR for usenet and bittorrent users. It can monitor multiple RSS feeds for new episodes of your favorite shows and will grab, sort and rename them. It can also be configured to automatically upgrade the quality of files already downloaded when a better quality format becomes available.

Are PVR and SPI the same? ›

SPI Cinemas was acquired by PVR Cinemas in August 2018.

How do I add a VPN to deluge? ›

Here's how to setup a VPN with Deluge:
  1. Sign up for, download, and install one of the recommended VPNs above.
  2. Open the VPN app and select a torrent-friendly server.
  3. In the VPN app settings, be sure your kill switch is enabled.
  4. Hit the Connect button and wait for the connection to complete.
Jun 1, 2023

How to setup Sonarr and jackett? ›

Adding Jackett Site's to Sonarr/Radarr
  1. First Load Sonarr/Radarr Web Ui.
  2. Navigate to Settings > Indexers tab.
  3. Add an indexer by clicking the big plus button (Blue box). Select Tornab Custom.
  4. Here is where you would input the information gathered earlier from Jackett Web UI.

How do I set up deluge Seedbox? ›

How to Configure and Install Deluge on your Seedbox
  1. Located the app you want to install from the Appstore (Installing an App)
  2. Click "Get" to Install the application (Deluge - App Store)
  3. Configure the App for your Use and Click 'Submit' - Done.

How do I add Sonarr to Prowlarr? ›

Connecting Sonarr
  1. Launch Prowlarr from your Dashboard by clicking on the link icon or via the App Menu on your main navigation.
  2. Once in Prowlarr, navigate to Settings > Apps.
  3. Hit the big + button to create a new Application connection.
  4. Now select the Sonarr option.
Aug 3, 2021


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Name: Allyn Kozey

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Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.